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IIT Kharagpur Celebrates International Women’s Day 2025
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8th March, 2025 Kharagpur, India – IIT Kharagpur celebrated the International Women’s Day 2025 with an inspiring retrospect on women empowerment, on the theme, “Accelerate Action on Gender Equality.” The event brought together students, faculty, and industry leaders to advocate for tangible change and emphasize the critical need to fast-track gender equality in education, the workplace, and beyond.
In line with this year’s theme, IIT Kharagpur’s celebration aimed not just to honor the achievements of women, but also to underscore the urgency of creating an environment where gender equality is embedded in every facet of society from innovation and leadership to policy making and everyday interactions. The programme started with the lightning of the lamp followed by an invocation by our esteemed speakers of the programme Ms. Sukla Mistry, Former Director (Refineries), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Ms. Moumita Dutta, Head, Hyperspectral Optics Division, SAC ISRO – Indian Space Research Organisation in the presence of Prof. Rintu Banerjee, Deputy Director, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. Karabi Das, Dean Outreach, Prof. Bhargab Maitra, Student Dean Affairs; Prof. Amita (Pathak) Mahanty, Chairperson, International Women’s Day 2025 & Chairperson, Gender Cell along with other Heads and Deans of the Institute. More than 100 students both male and female along with faculty and staff members participated in the programme.
Key Highlights of the Celebration:
Sports Activities for campus women & children – Sports competition like pot balance; musical chair; Frog Jump/Rainbow; sack race, soccer bowling; sack race; stone toss was conducted for campus women and children
While addressing the gathering, Prof. Amita (Pathak) Mahanty, Chairperson, International Women’s Day 2025 said, “We live in a world where 1 out of 3 women face violence or abuse. Girls are 2.5 times more likely to drop out of school than boys. In fact, out of 15,000 students in the campus, only 22% are girls. Out of 750 faculty members, we have only 15.6% lady faculties and from 950 non-faculty staff members, there are only 13% of women. But on the brighter side, today diversity, inclusivity and empathy are becoming a norm. So let us work together to make a more just and equal society, lets listen to each other and stand up against injustice and celebrate our differences.
Prof. Bhargab Maitra, Dean Student Affairs stated that, “I happy to note that over the years, the number of female students has increased with a greater number of students allocated to girls’ students, more wardens and assistant wardens from our female colleagues who are supporting our management. To address the female centric issues more compassionately, we have one of our female colleagues as an Associate Dean. Also, in the composition of student body, we have kept a balance of both male and female student representation. Gender equality is societal and these steps will indeed add to more women empowerment in the institute.
Prof. Rintu Banerjee, Deputy Director of IIT Kharagpur, shared her vision on International Women’s Day 2025 – “Women from developed and developing countries are still fighting for gender equality, their rights and safety. India needs to move forward from general awareness to concrete actions. When I joined IIT Kharagpur as a student there was only one girl’s hostel and the gender ratio was significantly squid as well as in the academic and professional world were far fewer. Even, when I joined as a faculty member, there were 7 of them. As we look towards the future of innovation and progress, we cannot ignore the crucial role of women in shaping societies, economics and technological advancements. For decades women of IIT Kharagpur have been at the forefront of research, ground-breaking innovation and exceptional academic achievements. From AI to robotics to sustainable technologies, women have ben instrumental in shaping the legacy of this institution. To create an inclusive environment that empowers the women and encourages their active participation in STEM, IIT Kharagpur has established the Gender Cell to provide the students, faculty and staff members a safe environment to address the gender issues. The institute has also been recognized by CII award on Women in STEM where we were awarded for our commitment to promote women in science, engineering and technology. We need more women in leadership roles, in board room, in the research laboratories and in the classroom. Let’s make gender equality a norm and not an exception.”
Ms. Sukla Mistry, Former Director (Refineries), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., one of the guest speakers stated, “Women hold immense power to shape the industries, to lead the business and drive the change in the society. I would like to quote Hilary Clinton that Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world. If India addressed the inequality issues, it can add 770 billion dollars annually to its GDP which is 18% of the current scenario. India will also grow from 6.1 % currently to 9% if the women workforce is increased from 24% to 50%. In good light, women represent in leadership roles has increased to 18% in 2022. I was the first woman Inspection Engineer in Oil & Gas Industries in the country in 1987. Wherever you go as a professional in corporate or in industry, you cannot be a man or a woman, you have to be performer as the industries are highly competitive, they don’t see man or a woman, they see results from a performer. There is no blue print for success, what matters is your willingness and capability to define your own professional aspirations.
Ms. Moumita Dutta, Scientist from Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) stated – will share in 10 mins
Question & Answers with the guest speakers
Release of purple themed balloons as a freedom of speech, freedom of rights and freedom of expression.
Cultural Performances and Artistic Expression: A powerful segment of the day’s celebration included performances by the women and children at IIT Kharagpur, showcasing their talents in through cultural performances. These artistic expressions reflected the strength, creativity, and diverse experiences of women, while also calling attention to the importance of equal representation in all spheres of society.
Commitment to Action:
The Institute’s celebration of International Women’s Day is not just symbolic but part of IIT Kharagpur’s ongoing commitment to driving real change in gender equality. The institute is dedicated to fostering an environment that supports women’s leadership, encourages their participation in research and innovation, and ensures equal opportunities for all its members, regardless of gender.