वागन रिक्रिएशन क्लब का रजत जयंती समारोह, 130 युनिट रक्त संग्रहित

Today ONE associated VBD camp and collected
*Total -130(F-3)(N-23) Units* celebrating their glorious 25 years of voluntary blood donations.

Venue – *Wagon Shop Premises*
Collected by – *S D Kharagpur Hospital Blood Centre(87 Units) Division RLY Hospital Blood centre (43 units)*
We express our Gratitude, Love and Thanks and wish them good luck for SILVER JUBILEE Celebration of wagon shop recreation club said CMS R k Behra।
Club Secretary…SRI mubarak hoosen
Volenteers…..T N RAO, B Eswar Rao, T s Rao, M s Rao, Chanchal kundu, Chiranjeeb chakraborty Maity, Shajal shaha & others were present on this blood donation camp.