खड़गपुर। खड़गपुर वोलंटिअर्स ब्लड डोनर्स आर्गेनाइजेशन (केवीबीडीओ) की ओर से गोलबाजार रबिंद्र इंस्टीट्यूट में रक्तदान शिविर का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें खड़गपुर के एडीआरएम मनीषा गोयल व डा. आकाश पीके सहित कुल 31 लोगों ने रक्तदान किया। जिसे रेल व चांदमारी अस्पताल ब्लड बैंक ने संग्रहित किया।
रेलवे मेन अस्पताल के स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ डा. आकाश पीके को सचिव नियुक्त किया गया है। इस अवसर पर रेल अस्पताल के सीएमएस व संस्था के अध्यक्ष डा. आर के बेहरा व अन्य वक्ताओं ने संस्था की तारीफ करते हुए कहा कि बीस साल पहले डा. एस ए नज्मी ने जो शुरुआत की उसका लाभ सिर्फ खड़गपुर ही नहीं बल्कि आसपास के जिलों को भी हम रक्त आपूर्ति कर पा रहे हैं जो कि काबिले तारीफ है।

केवीबीडीओ से जुड़े कौशिक मंडल ने बताया कि विश्व स्वास्थय संगठन के सौ फीसदी स्वैच्छिक रक्तदान का पीछे करते हुए हमने 90 फीसदी सफलता अर्जित कर ली है। उन्होने इसके लिए रेल प्रशासन के सहयोग की तारीफ की।
इस अवसर पर डा. एस पाल चौधरी, दीपक कुमार, विभाष भट्टाचार्य, पार्षद डी वासंती, पार्थो चक्रवर्ती, बिजन दत्ता, सजीब मुखर्जी व अन्य उपस्थित थे।
বিশ্ব রক্তদাতা দিবসে মানুষকে উত্সাহিত করার জন্য ADRM এবং ডাক্তার রক্ত দান করেছেন
খড়গপুর। খড়গপুর ভলান্টিয়ার্স ব্লাড ডোনারস অর্গানাইজেশন (KVBDO) গোলবাজার রবীন্দ্র ইনস্টিটিউটে একটি রক্তদান শিবিরের আয়োজন করেছিল যাতে খড়্গপুরের এডিআরএম মনীষা গোয়েল এবং ডক্টর আকাশ পিকে সহ মোট 31 জন রক্তদান করেছিলেন। যা সংগ্রহ করেছে রেলওয়ে ও চাঁদমারী হাসপাতাল ব্লাড ব্যাংক।
সচিব হিসেবে নিয়োগ পেয়েছেন রেলওয়ে প্রধান হাসপাতালের গাইনোকোলজিস্ট ডাঃ আকাশ পিকে। এই উপলক্ষ্যে রেলওয়ে হাসপাতালের সিএমএস এবং সংগঠনের সভাপতি ডাঃ আর কে বেহেরা এবং অন্যান্য বক্তারা সংগঠনের প্রশংসা করে বলেন যে ডঃ এস এ নাজমি কুড়ি বছর আগে যা শুরু করেছিলেন তার সুফল শুধু খড়্গপুরে নয়, আশেপাশের জেলাগুলিতেও রয়েছে। আমরা রক্ত সরবরাহ করতে পারি যা প্রশংসনীয়।
KVBDO এর সাথে যুক্ত কৌশিক মন্ডল বলেছেন যে বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থার 100% স্বেচ্ছায় রক্তদান অনুসরণ করে আমরা 90% সাফল্য অর্জন করেছি। এ জন্য রেল প্রশাসনের সহযোগিতার প্রশংসা করেন তিনি।
এই অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন ড. এস পাল চৌধুরী, দীপক কুমার, বিভাষ ভট্টাচার্য, কাউন্সিলর ডি বাসন্তী, পার্থ চক্রবর্তী, বিজন দত্ত, সজিব মুখার্জি প্রমুখ।
World Blood Donor Day is observed annually on the 14th of June. This international event is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of blood donation and expressing gratitude towards voluntary, unpaid blood donors across the globe. It serves as a critical opportunity to highlight the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusions and acknowledge the essential role of blood donors in saving lives and improving health outcomes. The day underscores the critical need for affordable, timely access to clean, safe blood as a universal health resource.
The World Health Organization (WHO) designated 14th June as World Blood Donor Day to honour the birth anniversary of Karl Landsteiner, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who discovered the ABO blood group system. Since its inception in 2004, World Blood Donor Day has been celebrated annually, with many countries worldwide participating.
The main goal of World Blood Donor Day is to encourage individuals to become regular blood donors, aiming to ensure a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in need. This day emphasises the life-saving act of voluntary, unpaid blood donation and its role in reducing maternal and child mortality, supporting complex medical and surgical procedures, and treating various diseases and conditions.
World Blood Donor Day serves as a reminder that every donation can significantly impact lives and enhance the health of individuals and communities. By encouraging regular blood donation, the day reinforces the importance of establishing a strong and sustainable blood supply system to meet the healthcare needs of patients globally.
The world celebrates Blood Donor Day on June 14, 2024, marking 20 years of acknowledging the day. We, too, with other organisations worldwide, unite behind the theme: 20 YEARS OF CELEBRATING! THANK YOU BLOOD DONORS!
Every year, this day is observed on June 14 to promote the importance of Blood donation. This serves as a means to get the attention of Voluntary, unpaid and non-remunerated blood donors to celebrate LIFE & HUMANITY.
Not only does the day help people thank the donors’ kind acts, but it also raises SAFE blood donation practices.
Objectives of this year’s Campaign:
The Slogans for the 2024 World Blood Donor Day Campaign are:
- Be Bold, Donate Blood!
- Blood Donors are Lifesavers.
- Your Donation, Their Salvation.
- Give Blood, Give hope.
Promoting a culture of regular blood donation among young people, students, and workers increases the diversity and sustainability of the donor pool.
To thank and recognise the Voluntary Blood Donors Organisation for contributing to the health and well-being of people around the district.
To highlight the continuous need for regular, unpaid blood donation to achieve universal access to safe blood than transfusion.
The host country for World Blood Donor Day – 2024 events is Peru, South America (San Borja).
Formation in 2004 with the co-operation of the then DRM- Mr Shakeel Ahmed, The then ADRM-Mr A.K. Chattopadhyay and the then CMS-Dr A.N.Patro
The baton was carried forward with excellent guidance from Dr. S. A. Nazmi for a long period.
To provide adequate & safe blood to the people of Kharagpur and, if possible, beyond it. To be aware and motivate about voluntary un-paid donations. Educate and be aware of Thalassemia, a major genetic disorder common in this part of West Bengal. Once again, we want to thank all the associated organisers for this.
Additional activity
Observed International Thalassemia Day, with the cooperation of Thalassemia Guardian Society, on 8th May. Theme: BE AWARE. SHARE. CARE
To give momentum to safe blood movement, we conducted a 3-day certificate course on awareness, motivation, and basic blood science in association with AVBD, KOLKATA. 26 candidates participated this year.
With the special permission of honourable DRM/KGP Sir, “TRAIN RADIO & PASSENGER INFORMATION SYSTEM” was used in EMU/MEMU train services plying between KGP-HWH & back to inspire, motivate and make aware about World Blood Donor Day. Our thanks & blessings to Miss. Ipsita Acharya, whose voice was used for the announcement.
We are honouring three organisations with mementoes this year for their special contributions to the movement.
We are honouring with special mementoes 19 Blood Donors who donated on CALL (Emergency) from KVBDO within a day.
Special thanks to Bharat Scouts & Guides, St. John Ambulance Brigade (Div. & W/S.) STC, Medical Department, Health Department, Town Police & 150+ Associate Organisers.
Before concluding my speech, my heartfelt THANKS to all Blood Banks (Kharagpur SDH, SERLY Main Hospital, MIDNAPUR, NAYAGRAM, GOPIBALLAVPUR, JHARGRAM, GHATAL, CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION, People of Kharagpur. And special thanks to Local Print Media for their support and news coverage throughout the year. We have taken the responsibilities together as a mission, irrespective of caste, creed, colour, politics, social status/financial status, Civil Area/ Rlys. Area. We have achieved more than 90% of fulfilling the MISSION of 100% Voluntary Blood Donation laid down by WHO.
I request your continued support and guidance for the Furtherance of VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION MOVEMENT.
Long Live K.V.B.D.O & Long Live VOLUNTARY Blood Donors…
Honorary Secretary
Kharagpur Voluntary Blood Donors’ Org.
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