March 12, 2025

के. सुरेंद्र रेड्डी लगातार तीसरी बार चुने गए पीएनके के महासचिव, अन्नपूर्णा बनी उपाध्यक्ष



Executive committee meeting held at PNK Parishat, Kharagpur. Six new members were inducted for the forthcoming three years 2023 to 2026. Thirty two(32) members committee was formed which included 21 executive committee members, two patrons, three advisory members and six sub committee members. Key Portfolios were distributed among some members.

Hony. General Secretary: Sri K Surendra Reddy, President: Sri. K Kondal Rao, Secretary: Sri. Govinda Rao, Asst. Secretary: Sri. B V R Patro, Cultural Secretary: Sri. A Srinivas Rao, Treasurer: Sri. B Srinivas Rao, Asst. Treasurer: Sri. V Surya Rao, Working President: Sri. P Janardhan Rao,

Vice President (1) : Sri. C V Narasimham, Vice President (2): Smt. Annapurna, Office Secretary: Sri. K Anand Rao, Executive Members (1): Sri. P Nageshwar Rao, (2) Sri. T K V Prasad, (3) Sri. K V Subramanyeswara Rao, (4) Sri .Ganta Laxman, (5) Sri. S V Ramana(Shyam), (6) Sri. K Chinaiya, (7) Sri. P Ravi Shankar, (8) Sri. Y Shankar Rao, (9) A Ravikanth, (10) Sri. D Srinivasa Reddy. Observers for the day were Sri. M Kalidas and Sri. S Laxman. Patrons are Sri. S Srinivas Pillay & Sri. Rajesh Sharma. Six Sub committee members (1) K Srinivas Rao, (2) A Ravi, (3) Sri. (4) Sri. K S N Murty, Sri. B Neelambar Rao, (5) Sri. K Venkateswar Rao and (6) Sri. Pattabhi Ram.

PNK Parishat is one of the oldest Registered Railway Employees Social & Cultural organisations which has been conducting cultural programs for 64 years. This is for the first time in 64 years in PNK Parishat history that a women member is being nominated and elected as an executive member and also as a vice president. Ladies wing of PNK Parishat have been actively participating in social and cultural activities throughout the year.

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