March 13, 2025

बीते सप्ताह भर में ट्रेन के पायदान में सफर कर रहे दो यात्री दुर्घटना के शिकार. एक की मौत दूसरा घायल, रेल ने कसी कमर, पायदान में या चलती ट्रेन में चढ़ने उतरने वाले यात्रियों के खिलाफ होगी कार्रवाई 



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खड़गपुर,  बीते सप्ताह भर में ट्रेन के पायदान में सफर कर रहे दो यात्री दुर्घटना के शिकार हो गए जिसमें एक की मौत हो गई जबकि दूसरा घायल हो गया। सीनियर डीसीएम राजेश कुमार ने बताया कि खड़गपुर बालासोर सेक्शन में घायल यात्रियों को सोरो व बेलदा अस्पताल में दाखिल कराया गया था जिसमें से एक की मौत हो गई जबकि दूसरा घायल है। राजेश कुमार ने कहा कि फिलहाल चलती ट्रेन में ना चढ़ने व उतरने को लेकर आरपीएफ की मदद से जागरुकता अभियान चलाया जा रहा है जिसके बाद रेल कड़ी कार्रवाई करेगी जिसके तहत 500 रु जुर्माना या तीन माह का  जेल या दोनों सजा का प्रावधान है। आरपीएफ के एएससी बरुण कुमार बेहरा ने बताया कि उद्घोषणा के द्वारा लोगों में जागरुकता की जाएगी ताकि लोग सुरक्षित यात्रा कर सकें। 


Recently many cases were reported to the Railway administration regarding injury sustained by passengers while trying to board or de-board a moving train at stations, also cases of passengers falling and sustaining injuries while standing at the doors of a moving train or travelling at the foot board of the trains were reported too.

As per Section 156 of Railway Act 1989, if any passenger or person , after being warned by a railway servant to desist, persists in Travelling on roof, steps or footboard of any carriage or on an Engine , or in any other part of a train not intended for the use of passengers, He/She shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 03 months, or with fine which may extend to 500 Rupees, or with both and may be removed from the railway by any railway servant. 

The on board Ticket checking staff may impose fine for travelling on the foot board or near the doors after giving warning, noncompliance of the instructions of the ticket checking staff may results in handing over the offender to the RPF staff.

Life is very precious, a small step taken in a hurry can prove fatal. Many instances were reported where passengers were seriously injured or sustained fatal injuries while trying to board or deboard from a moving train.  Instances were reported, while travelling near the doors and foot board of a moving train, because of a small mistake or carelessness, passengers slipped and fell down and lost their precious life. 

Indian Railways request the rail users not to take the risk of boarding/deboarding off a moving train or travelling near the doors of a moving train. If possible, kindly close the doors when the train is moving. 

Kharagpur division has launched a massive awareness drive for ensuring the safety of the passengers. The ticket checking and the RPF staff are being advised to create awareness amongst the travelling passengers about the risks of travelling near the doors and foot board of a moving train.

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