March 14, 2025

गार्डेनरीच अस्पताल मना रहा प्लैटिनम जुबली वर्ष , आनवर्ड्स एंड अपवार्ड्स विषय पर सेमिनार आयोजित


Kolkata, गार्डेनरीच अस्पताल इस साल  प्लैटिनम जुबली वर्ष मना रहा है जो कि  जोकि अप्रैल 23 तक चलेगा। डाक्टर्स साइंटिफिक फोरम  ऑफ मेंटल हॉस्पिटल द पू रेलवे की ओर से आनवर्ड्स एंड अपवार्ड्स थीम पर सेमिनार आयोजित की गई जिसे संबोधित करते हुए दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे के महाप्रबन्धक अर्चना जोशी ने कहा कि हाल के दिनों में गार्डेनरीच अस्पताल में जो सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हुई  है उसमें लिक्विड मेडिकल ऑक्सीजन प्लांट, पीएसए प्लांट, 128  स्लाइस सीटी स्कैन, यूनिट मॉडलर ओटी वगैरह शामिल हैं।

40th Annual Conference & Continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) organized by the Doctors’ Scientific Forum of Central Hospital, South Eastern Railway has been inaugurated at BNR Auditorium, Garden Reach.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar, Director General, Railway Health Services was the Chief Guest on the occasion and inaugurated the two-day conference. Ms. Archana Joshi, General Manager, South Eastern Railway presided over the function. Dr. G. Hariharan, retired Chief Medical Director, S.E.Railway was the Guest of Honour while Dr. A. K. Malhotra, Principal Executive Director (Health), Railway Board was the Special Guest at the inaugural ceremony. Sri Atulya Sinha, Additional General Manager, SER, Dr. Mihir Kr. Choudhury, Principal Chief Medical Director, SER and Dr. Anjana Malhotra, Medical Director, SER Central Hospital were also present at the inaugural function. Principal Chief Medical Directors of different Zonal Railways also attended the conference.
Dr. Prasanna Kumar, Director General, Railway Health Services in his speech, advised the doctors of SER to make all out efforts for maintaining the tradition in achieving excellence. He also mentioned the contribution of SE Railway doctors in providing best medical care to achieve the satisfaction of the patients.
Ms. Archana Joshi, General Manager, South Eastern Railway speaking on the occasion, mentioned about the commendable service rendered by the doctors of S. E. Railway during the Covid pandemic. She also mentioned about the recent technological upgradation in SER Central Hospital including installation of Liquid Medical Oxygen Plant, PSA Plant, 128 Slice CT Scan Unit, Modular OTs etc.
This year, the theme of the Conference and CME programme is “ONWARDS & UPWARDS” with the objective of providing new ideas and thoughts to the juniors and ensuring a quantum leap in the quality of service provided.
South Eastern Railway Central Hospital, Garden Reach is a 303 bedded tertiary care hospital and is going to complete 60 years in April, 2023. It has been providing both secondary and tertiary care services to the satisfaction of all beneficiaries. Every year, the hospital organises an Annual Conference where doctors of all specialities get together and discuss the latest advances in the field of medicine. Eminent specialists of all fields deliver lectures and enlighten the participants.
Senior doctors of SER Central Hospital & Divisional Hospitals and multiple medical luminaries from the city of Kolkata and retired Railway Medical Officers are attending the two-day conference.


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