विजय कुमार पंजियार बने दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे के नए प्रिंसिपल इंजीनियर , दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे में कोयला ढुलाई में 28 फीसदी की बढ़ोत्तरी

Kolkata, 07th November 2022.
Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar has taken over the charge as Principal Chief Engineer, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata today (07.11.2022). Prior to taking over the charge as Principal Chief Engineer, South Eastern Railway, Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar was Senior Deputy General Manager, South Eastern Railway. Shri Panjiar, IRSE (Indian Railway Service of Engineers) of 1988 Batch joined Indian Railways in the capacity of Assistant Engineer, Eastern Railway in the year 1990.
Shri Vijay Kumar Panjiar an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University did his Graduation in Civil Engineering. Shri Panjiar has worked in different Zonal Railways viz. Eastern Railway, Metro Railway; North Eastern Railway; South Eastern Railway in various capacities as Senior Divisional Engineer (Coordination); Deputy Chief Engineer (Planning), Deputy Chief Engineer (Construction); Chief Engineer (Construction); Chief Project Manager/Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited; Chief Engineer/Track Maintenance; Senior Deputy General Manager. He has also worked as Divisional Railway Manager, North Eastern Railway, Varanasi (Banaras).
He has travelled extensively, undergone international training in Milan, Italy and his contribution in Civil Engineering over Indian Railways is noteworthy, vast and varied. He has keen interest in Sports, Photography, Railway History and Heritage as well as socio cultural activities.
saugata takes charge as DCM, KGP DIVN

Shri Saugat Mitra took charge as the new Divisional Commercial Manager of Kharagpur Division on 07.11.2022.
Kolkata, 7th November, 2022:
SER has registered a remarkable growth in Coal loading in the first seven months i.e. April to October of the current financial year (2022-23). During this period, SER has loaded 29.85 Million Tonnes of Coal, which is 28% more than the corresponding period of previous fiscal. The revenue generation from Coal loading has also registered a substantial rise of 61% with a total earnings of Rs. 3147.92 crore.
South Eastern Railway has loaded total 115.43 Million Tonnes of originating freight in the first seven months of the current financial year (2022-23). During this period, the revenue generation from originating freight loading has also increased to Rs 10,204.29 crore as against Rs. 9099.15 crore in same period of the previous year. Therefore, the earnings performance of SER has enhanced by 12.1%.
The main commodities of Freight loading during this period were Iron Ore, Coal, Pig Iron & Finished Steel, Cement, Petroleum Products etc.