जालेश्वर रेलवे स्टेशन का होगा कायाकल्प, जल्द होगा काम शुरू सांसद षाडंगी ने किया है लिफ्ट उद्घाटन

To improve the provision of passenger amenity at Jaleswar station, Kharagpur division of South Eastern Railway has completed the construction and installation of two no. of lifts, each at PF no.1 & 2/3 at Jaleswar station. The provision of such passenger amenity work at Jaleswar station shall ease the flow of passenger movements from one Platform to another. The provision of lifts at Jaleswar station have been sanctioned in the year 2018-19 with a composite proposal of provision of 24 no. of lifts at different stations over this division with an approximate cost of Rs. 10.71Crore. A new station building is being constructed at Jaleswar station to upgrade the outlook of the passenger amenity.
Today, Sri Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Hon’ble MP, Balasore has dedicated the 02(two) nos of lifts at PF no.1 & 2/3 at Jaleswar station for the benefit of Rail users on 11.00 hrs at Jaleswar station. Sri Ashwini Kumar Patra, Hon’ble Minister of state (Ind.Charge) of Tourism, Odia Language, Literature & culture, Excise of Govt. of Odisha, was also present during the occasion. Sri M.S.Hashmi, Divisional Railway Manager/Kharagpur, Sri Rajesh Kumar, Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager, Kharagpur and other railway officers and officials were also present during the occasion.

Proposed redevelopment of Jaleswar Railway Station…
Upgradation work will be started within a week. Drawings has been finalized.
Facade, front entry, development of circulating area, Waiting hall,parking lot, Bitumen top road, pathways, portico cover shed and other passenger amenities for providing better experience for passengers.
Renovation of existing Railway building and take care of landscaping works surrounding of station to develop as airport like facilities.