खड़गपुर रेल मंडल के 20 स्टेशनों में कुल 24 एटीवीएम फैंसिलीटेटर के लिए आवेदन जारी, 25 नवंबर को दोपहर 3 बजे तक किए जाएंगे आवेदन स्वीकृत, कोई भी कर सकता है आवेदन

Applications are being invited from ALL GENERAL PUBLIC, for engagement as ATVM facilitators for 20 different stations over KHARAGPUR DIVISION to facilitate for issue of Unreserved Tickets (UTS) through Smart Card based ATVM. 3% commission will be provided on the recharge value of the Smart card.
Earlier only retired Railway Employees and their kins were eligible for working as a ATVM facilitator, but for the first time in Indian Railways, as a pilot project in SER, this scheme is now extended to ALL GENERAL PUBLIC for engagement as ATVM facilitators.

Last date for submitting application : Within 15.00 hrs of 25.11.2022
Tender Box Opening : At 15.30 hrs of 25.11.2022.
fot more dtls & application