मलिंचा सुपर मार्केट व्यवसायी समिति के कैंप में कुल 30 युनिट रक्त संग्रहित 


Malancha Super Market boybadayee samity org 4th year blood donation camp  in super market  premises. Total 30 units blood collectrd iin camp

. samity President Smt Hema Choubey. said kgp divn hospital collected blood. vice president Sri Ranjan Kumar baruri ..and Sri Subrota Dey.. Secratary Sri Suman Roy .. Cashier Sri Manta Biswas.. Excutive member Sri Sanjay Sil..Sri. Sanjay Kumar..Sri Ankit Agarwal..Sri Vivek Acharya councillor vishnu prasad, D. Vasanti & other dignitaries were present on tje occasion.

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