“””Operation Uplabdh””
On 10.09.22 officers and staff of RPF CIB KGP alongwith RPF Post Midnapore and keshpur local PS jointly conducted raid & search in the shop of Barsha Computer at Pitambar chowk (Forum more) Keshpur and arrested one person namely Sk Bappasuddin age -29 yrs S/o Sk Idul Islam R/O Pitambar chowk PO Sarisa Khola PS- Keshpur for Procuring and supplying Railway e- ticket by Personnel user ID and and handed over to RPF post MDN and register a case at RPF Post Midnapore Registered a case no. 405/ 22 DTD 10.9.22 U/S-143 Railway act
*Seized articles:-*
1- 05 no’s live e -ticket value rs 8694/-
2- 28 no’s previous e- tickets value rs 53783/-
3- Rs- 1500/- cash
4- 01 Monitor, 01 CPU, 01 printer & 01 keyboard
5- Personal user ID – 31
6- 01 Redmi mobile
The arrested accused will be forwarded before Ld.Court of JRM on 11.09.22 for legal action.

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