सांसद ने स्टेशन में किया लिफ्ट का उद्घाटन , एस्केलेटरों के लिए रखी नींव


To improve the provision of passenger amenity at Balasore station, Kharagpur division
of South Eastern Railway has completed the construction and installation of two no. of lifts at cddd8PF no.1 &2 of Balasore station. In addition to this, the division has also started the construction
and installation of two nos. of Escalator at the same platforms. The provision of such
passenger amenity work at Balasore station shall ease the flow of passenger movements from
one Platform to another. The provision of lifts at Balasore station have been sanctioned in the
year 2018-19 with a composite proposialof provision of 24 no. of lifts at different stations over
this division with an approximate cost of Rs. 10.71Crore. 02(two) nos of Escalator shall be at
PF no. 1 and 2 shall be opened to the passengers use after their completion of
work/installation. The said escalators sanctioned with an approx. cost of Rs. 3.09 Crores. To
improve the face of Balasore station new station is being constructed.
Today, Sri Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Hon’ble MP, Balasore has dedicated the 02(two)
nos of lifts at PF no.1 & 2 at Balasore station for the benefit of Rail users on 16:30hrs at
Balasore station. In addition to this Sri Sarangi, Hon’ble MP has also laid the foundation stone
of 02(two) nos. of Escalator at PF no.1 & 2 at Balasore station. Sri M. Pradhan, Divisional
Railway Manager/Kharagpur, Sri Rajesh Kumar, Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager,
Kharagpur and other railway officers and officials were also present during the occasion


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