On CBSE class x result R.K.Moses principal, Don Bosco Comments, It was with great excitement that we awaited the class X C.B.S.E. 2021-22 results.This was our very first batch comprising of 14 students. Considering the hardships that our staff and students faced as a result of the pandemic, we were apprehensive as to the outcome. I know that our teachers strived to do their best, helping the students to solve past papers, encouraging them and seeking innovative methods to explain matter that puzzled their brainsand simplifying what seemed an impossible task.
All their hard work and the conscientious efforts of our students reaped their reward as we got 100% results!
SUBHADEEP GHOSH excelled with an aggregate of 97% and is the school topper. He is succeeded by SOUMYA SINGH with 94% and SHREYANKA DEY with 93%.
I was happy to see so many students scoring 90+ % in important subjects such as English, Science and ICT.

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