साल पत्ता प्लेट व मूड़ी बनाने सहित कुल 5 मशीनें समाजिक संस्था को सौंपी, ग्रामीणों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार का लक्ष्य

खड़गपुर’ साल पत्ता प्लेट व मूड़ी बनाने सहित कुल 5 मशीनें   आईआईटी खड़गपुर ने झारखंड की समाजिक संस्था सेंटर फॉर सालिडरिटी को सौंपी। ग्रामीणों के जीवन स्तर में सुधार के लिए आईआईटी सामाजिक संस्थाओं के साथ मिलकर काम कर रही है।

kharagpur, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur has successfully flagged off the transfer of five different machines to the NGO named “Centre for World Solidarity”, Jharkhand . The consignment of 5 machines which are manufactured at IIT Kharagpur include two Electrified Mechanized Dhenki, One Puffed Rice (Muri) Making Machine, one Sabairo Making Machine, one Rice Grading Machine and one Sal Leaf Plate Making Machine. The NGO will install these machines with continuous monitoring and technical support of IIT Kharagpur. The machines will be installed in the rural sectors and requisite training will be given to the beneficiaries according to its usage. RuTAG has been connected with more than 50 NGOs in West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, and Bihar implementing technological innovations which improved the livelihood of rural population. On this occasion, Prof V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur remarked, ‘These kind of associations with NGOs and other organizations will engage in skilling the agro Indian community with modern technologies & encourage rural development. The new household technologies will increase the efficiency of production of daily necessities surrounding the rural community. Prof. Rintu Banerjee, Head of Agricultural and Food Engineering stated, ‘It is indeed a progressive step towards empowering the rural community with these new technological innovations that will increase productivity and reduce the burden of daily hard labour of the people.

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