स्वर्गीय बीना जैन की स्मृति में निर्मल हृदय व स्वप्न नीड़ में भोजन व टावल वितरित, एम.के जैन संस ग्रैंड साइंस फाउंडेशन की ओर से कार्यक्रम आयोजित

In memory of late smt Bina Jain on her 1st death anniversary on today Food and Towel distribution program organised by M.k jain sons and grandsons foundation. 70 Food packet and Towel distributed in Nirmal hriday (women old age home).
40 food Packet and Towel distributed in Swapno neer (Shelter for Homeless people) bulbulchoti .
Nimal Ghosh, Pradip jain, Arun jain, Dharmendra jain, Alok Jain, Pratik, Akash, Rahul Sharma, Alok Arick were present on the occassion.