3 arrested in woman murder case, weapons & gold ornaments seized by police


kharagpur, On 09.03.2022 a dead body of a unknown female person was recover in the water of kangsabati river at kalora “kathuria Da” under Daspur PS. On 10.03.2022 established the identity of deceased as Urmila Das (58) W/O- Chittaranjan of vill- Nabin Manua,PS- Daspur. During examination of deceased family members it was learnt that gold ornaments which was wore by deceased was missing and mobile phone of deceased was also missing. After taking technical support from OC SOG MDP police found three suspects in this case. Following the input yesterday joint raid was conducted raid and arrested three suspect named by 1) Sagar Khan of Dharma, 2) SK Mohibul Islam 3) SK Samim Ahame. On interrogation they confessed to their guilt. At that time we discover offending weapons 1) one knife and some ornaments. Police remand has been taken. Dinesh kr, sp west midnapur said Full team who cracked this case is being rewarded accordingly


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