✍रघुनाथ प्रसाद साहू /9434243363
खड़गपुर, फिलहाल खड़गपुर डिवीजन में लगभग 80 फ़ीसदी ट्रेनें चल रही है व बाकी बीस फ़ीसदी ट्रेनें भी चरणबद्ध तरीके से चलेगी। यह बात दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे के महाप्रबंधक अर्चना जोशी ने खड़गपुर स्टेशन में आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलन को संबोधित करते हुए कही। उन्होंने कहा कि खड़गपुर डिवीजन में कई विकास कार्य चल रहे हैं व विकास कार्यक्रम सतत प्रक्रिया है जो कि चलती रहती है। पत्रकारों के पूछे गए सवाल का जवाब देते हुए डीआरएम मनोरंजन प्रधान ने कहा कि गिरिमैदान ओवरब्रिज का निर्माण जल्द पूरा कर लिया जाएगा ज्ञात हो कि महाप्रबंधक अर्चना जोशी खड़़गपुर डिवीजन के वार्षिक निरीक्षण करने के लिए दो दिवसीय दौरे के लिए खड़गपुर पहुंची व विकास योजनाओं का उद्घााटन किया.

Ms. Archana Joshi, General Manager, South Eastern Railway conducted Annual Inspection over Rakhamines-Kharagpur section of Kharagpur Division along with the Principal Officers from SER Headquarters today (24-02-2022). Sri Manoranjan Pradhan, Divisional Railway Manager, Kharagpur and other Divisional Officers were also present. The inspection started from Rakhamines station where General Manager inspected the Station and Passenger amenities. Later, she has inspected Galudih, Ghatsila, Chakulia and Jhargram stations and suggested some improvement measures. General Manager inaugurated the 132/25 KV Traction Sub Station at Galudih. A Children’s Park at Railway Colony, Chakulia was also
inaugurated by the GM/SER. She also inaugurated the Quick Watering System at Hijli Station and Renovated Eye Operation Theatre, Digital X-Ray & Haemodialysis Unit at Divisional Hospital and SERSA Open Gymnasium at Kharagpur. Speed trials were conducted in Chakulia-Jhargram and Jhargram-Kalaikunda sections to assess the condition of the railway track.
Ms. Archana Joshi also inspected the major bridge on Subarnarekha River and other minor Railway Bridges, Railway Tracks, Curve, Track Machines, Gang Tool Room, Booking office, Waiting Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Railway Colonies etc. General Manager has given priority to the facilities provided to the passengers and above all cleanliness at station premises. While conducting the inspection, Ms. Archana Joshi urged all officers and staff to be more careful on safety of train operations.
Sri Dilip Ghosh, Hon’ble MP, Sri Bidyut Baran Mahato, Hon’ble MP, Sri Kunar Hembram, Hon’ble MP, Sri S K Mohanty, Hon’ble MLA and other Public representatives of the area met the General Manager during the inspection and discussed about providing more facilities to the passengers.
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