March 4, 2025

In 2021 KVBDO collected 6268 units blood from 182 camps


नववर्ष के अवसर पर  रेलवे  एंप्लॉयीज कल्चरल एसोसिएशन, नई खोली की ओर से रक्तदान शिविर का आयोजन किया गया। जगन्नाथ मंदिर परिसर में हुए शिविर में कुल 34 लोगों ने रक्तदान किया शिविर का उद्घाटन केविबीडियो के सचिव डॉ जेपी साहू ने किया। डॉ साहू  सन 21 में हुए रक्तदान शिविर के आंकड़े भी पेश किए व शिविरों के सफल आयोजन के लिए लोगों को धन्यवाद दिया।

” We all experienced a year 2021 in the atmosphere of pandemic, which slowed down significant progress of organising Vol. Blood donation camps due to micro- contentment zones. But enthusiasm and willpower of organizers were committed in making the difference ”  said Dr J.B SAHOO SECY, KVBDO. Dr SAHOO further added Although some camps were cancelled/postponed , They together faced the challenges to keep our blood centres moving, thus minimizing the shortages at our district and beyond.
*In the year 2019, we collected about 7499 units blood from 184 camps.* But pandemic of Covid19 pushed us a bit backwards in the *year 2020. They collected 6214 units from 193 camps*.
The continuous process of vaccination, contentment zones, new rules in the year 2021 may have unstabled the systems, but they all worked hard together in striving to meet the needs of their blood requirements.
*In 2021 they collected 6268 units from 182 camps*
He  THANKED every Donor, their Parents, Organizers, Media , medical teams and above all the Rly & Civil administration, who supported the total movement’s furtherance equally. He wished for a better and prosperous 2022 &  request everyone to continue their support and guidance.


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