Business Development unit meet to attract the freight customers

kharagpur, Business Development unit (BDU) has been set up by each division of Indian Railway in the previous year under the chairmanship of Sr.DOM & Sr.DCM to attract the freight customers to the railways from one place to another. To revive the business development opportunities w.r.t to BDU , a meeting has been organised on 02.09.2021 in the chamber of Sr.DCM/KGP with all the commercial inspectors over this division. The meeting has been presided by Sri Gajraj singh Charan(Sr.DCM/KGP) and Sri S.K. Verma(Sr.DOM/KGP). During this meeting, Sri Gariyan Mrinal(ACM-I/KGP), Sri Ashutosh Kumar Singh(ACM-III/KGP) and Sri A.L Rao(AOM/KGP) have also present during this meeting. This meeting has been organised with all the commercial inspectors to chalk out some marketing strategies to attract additional freight for this railway