kharagpur, National flag was hoisted on 15 th August at PNK Parishat morning at 10-00 am. Free educational assistance center for needy students was inaugurated by Honorable Chief Guests
*Dr. M Amarnatha Reddy,*
Professor, IIT, Kharagpur
*Dr. A N V Satyanarayana*
Professor, IIT, Kharagpur
*Dr. Pavuluri Srinivas Rao*
Professor, IIT, Kharagpur.
Professors advised for conducting seminars on different topics on various subjects. Dr. M Amarnatha Reddy donated books for the library and handed over monetary support for the development of the library and also provided infrastructure for storing the books. Sri. M Murali, Retired Head master, AHS and Sri. A Rajeshwar Rao also extended their support for providing free educational to needy students. Srim K Kondal Rao, President, PNK Parishat and Sri. K Surendra Reddy, PNK Parishat, Kharagpur have affirmed that PNK Parishat members will always be committed not only for cultural activities but for the social service and education of needy students with the help of teachers of all the schools of Kharagpur.

टीएमसी के वार्ड 10 की ओर से मना स्वाधीनता दिवस
खड़गपुर। टीएमसी के वार्ड 10 की ओर से मलिंचा माता मंदिर व टीएमसी पार्टी कार्यालय व स्वाधीनता दिवस मनया गया। वार्ड अध्यक्ष बी हरीश ने झंडात्तोलन किया।
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