अर्चना जोशी ने बतौर दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे महाप्रबंधक का पदभार संभाला

Kolkata, 31st July, 2021: Ms. Archana Joshi, an officer of Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) of 1985 Batch has assumed the charge of General Manager, South Eastern Railway on 30th July, 2021. Prior to joining as General Manager, SER, Ms. Joshi was working

as Additional Member, Tourism & Catering, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board.
She is the first lady officer to become the General Manager of South Eastern
Railway. She is also the first lady IRTS Officer to become a General Manager.
Ms. Joshi, an alumnus of Punjab University, Chandigarh did her Post

Graduation in Sociology and is a Gold Medalist in her subject. She thereafter
completed her M. Phil in Public Policy and Administration.

Ms. Joshi has worked in different Zonal Railways viz. Northern Railway,
North Western Railway, West Central Railway and North Eastern Railway in
various capacities as Additional General Manager, Chief Commercial Manager,
Chief Operations Manager, Senior Deputy General Manager etc. She has also
worked as Divisional Railway Manager, Kota, West Central Railway.
Ms. Joshi also has the distinction of having worked in Ministry of Culture
and Ministry of Environment & Forests dealing with international cooperation
issues in both the Ministries.
She has travelled extensively, trained internationally in USA and Europe
and her contribution in rail transportation over Indian Railways is noteworthy,
vast and varied. She has keen interest in sports and socio cultural activities.

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