Kharagpur, International Human Rights commission has organised poor feeding for 3000 people in last 15 days during Pandemic. Dr.Mohammad Arshad (Working President India) said we org the prog in kharagpur & nearby slum areas.
Executive Members of IHRC visited the newly appointed IC. Kharagpur Town Police Sri. Biswaranjan Banerjee. IHRC team discussed with Biswranjan Banarjee on different issueses and he was pleased gave assurance to cooperate IHRC works to maintain the dignity of Human Rights accordingly.

IHRC team members who visited the IC Kharagpur Town include the following members Dr.Mohammad Arshad (Working President India),Aynul Hussain (General secretary India ),
Sumanta Roy Chowdhury (President, KGP), Ahmed Hussain (Secretary KGP),Rajendra Prasad (Working President KGP),Subrata Roy(Youth President KGP), Advocate Cotni Gorge(Legal Advisor),and Sunny Pagaray (Executive member).
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