पाबंदिया हटने के बाद राज्य सरकार की सहमति से चरणबद्ध तरीके से चलेगी लोकल ट्रेनें अतिक्रमण हटाओ अभियान रहेगा जारी, टाउन थाना ब्रिज का कार्य जल्द शुरु होगा


✍रघुनाथ प्रसाद साहू

खड़गपुर। लाकडाउन यानि राज्य के विधि निषेध शिथिल होने के बाद राज्य सरकार से परामर्श कर लोकल ट्रेनें चलाई जाएगी यह कहना था खड़गपुर के डीआरएम मनोरंजन प्रधान का ज्ञात हो कि फिलहाल प्रतिदिन 31 जोड़ी मेल एक्सप्रेस ट्रेनें डिवीजन में चल रही है। डीआरएम ने उक्त बातें अपने सभाकक्ष से आयोजित वर्चुअल प्रेस मीट के दौरान कही। टीकाकरण को लेकर उन्होने कहा कि राज्य सरकार के गाइडलाइन के अनुसार टीकाकरण किया जा रहा है। डीआरएम प्रधान ने कहा कि पहले फ्रंटलाइन वर्करों को टीका दिया गया उन्होने आशा जताया कि 21 तारिख से शुरु होने वाले टीकाकरण के बाद सभी को टीका दिया जा सकेगा। उन्होने कहा कि कुली व हाकरों को टीकाकरण करने संबंधी कोई निर्देश राज्य सरकार की ओर से नहीं आया है। अतिक्रमण हटाने को लेकर बीते दिनों टीएमसी समर्थकों की ओर से रेल अधिकारी पर हुए हमले के बारे में उन्होने कहा कि मामला न्यायालय में विचाराधीन है इसलिए वे मामले में कोई प्रतिक्रिया देना नहीं चाहेंगे उन्होने कहा कि रेल प्रशासन पहले भी अतिक्रमण हटाओ अभियान चलाती रही है व आगे भी चलाएगी।

टीएमसी की ओर से डीआरएम व उसकी पत्नी पर भाजपा प्रत्याशी को जिताने की अपील किए जाने पर उन्होने कहा कि वह सरकारी काम करते हैं किसी पार्टी का समर्थन व विरोध नहीं करते उन्होने कहा कि उसकी पत्नी हाउसवाइफ थी है व रहेगी राजनीति में उसका नाम उछालना अवांछनीय है। उन्होने कहा कि टाउन थाना ब्रिज का टेंडर हो चुका है व जल्द ही उसका काम होगा इसके अलावा खड़गपुर स्टेशन में बन रहे दूसरे फुटओवर ब्रिज के बोगदा छोर का काम पूरा हो जाएगा व बोगदा की ओर पहले सेवा शुरु कर दी जाएगी जबकि मालगोदाम की ओर भी काम जारी है। डीआरएम ने आज 20-21 व नए वित्तीय वर्ष में खड़गपुर रेल मंडल की ओर से किए जा रहे कार्यों का ब्यौरा पेश किया। इस अवसर पर अन्य मंडल अधिकारी उपस्थित थे।


  • Despite COVID pandemic, on an average 31 pairs of Mail/Express trains are being run per day. More  trains will be starting, once the lockdown is lifted.
  • Division dealt with 26 loaded and 13 empty oxygen trains during the 2nd wave of COVID with an average speed of 65 Kmph.
  • Goods earnings collected to the tune of Rs. 307.33 Crores has been realized in the year 2021-21 as against Rs. 162.76 Crores in the same time of previous year, which is (+) 88.8% above.
  • Goods loading in the year 2021-22 (Upto May) is 3.92 Million Tonnes against 2.27 Million Tonnes in the previous F.Y., which is (+) 72.7% more than previous year.
  • 13250 Tonnes of parcel traffic loaded in PCET and Special coaching trains and earning to the tune of Res. 6.10 Crores realised during F.Y. 21-22(Upto May), which is correspondingly (+) 239% and (+) 400.8% more than previous year.
  • Cyclone YAAS hit KGP-BHC section on 25th and 26th May’2021. All mainlines were made Fit for running of trains at 20.10 hrs as soon as th cyclone receded at about 13.00 hrs.
  • The Division strictly adhered to COVID protocols viz: crowd control and entry and exit of passengers at station premises, prevention of overcrowding of trains, thermal screening of passengers before entering the station premises, “No Mask, No Entry” of passengers etc.
  • Two new AC ambulances have been commissioned at Divisional Railway Hospital/Kharagpur for smooth transportation of patients during COVID pandemic.
  • Work of 2nd RUB at Hatigola and ROB near Kharagpur Police station have started.
  • 2nd FOB at Kharagpur station is almost on the verge of completion and will be completed very soon.
  • Giri Maidan over bridge is also on the verge of completion in a fast manner.


  • Total yearly loading was 20.87 MT, with average 901, 8 wheeler wagons per day.
  • Freight earning has gone up from Rs. 1605 Crores in 2019-20 to Rs. 1679 Crores in 2020-21.
  • Three Sidings were commissioned at Ranital, Amta and Mecheda.
  • SGTY Freight terminal was also completed and inaugurated by Hon’ble MR.
  • SRC FOB was also dedicated to the nation by Hon’ble MR.
  • In 4 sections, speed was increased in ADL-KGP and KGP-TATA from 110 to 130 Kmph , Rupsa-Bhanjpur from 70 to 100 Kmph. And NMP-HIJ from 50 to 75 Kmph.
  • During the year, 30 RKM of 3rd line was inaugurated and dedicated to the nation by Hobn’ble PM.
  • Raising of platform alongwith platform resurfacing work at Gidhni, Galudih, Sardiha, Banstala, Kalaikunda, Khemasuli, Ghatsila, Lakannath Road and Haldipada was done during the year and inaugurated by Hon’ble MPs.
  • New Electronic Interlocking systems have been commissioned at Galudih, Ghatsila, Durgachak, Jhargram, Sardiha, Kalaikunda & Amta.
  • 4 New station buildings at Khemasuli, Kalaikunda, Jhargram and Sardiha were completed and inaugurated by Hon’ble MPs in the month of Jan’2021.
  • Improvement of circulating area of KGP was completed.
  • Electrification of Rupsa-Bhanjpur section (56 RKm) has been completed.
  • 7 Manned LCs were eliminated and 5 LCs were interlocked.
  • KGP Division, in close association with SERWWO/KGP, produced 2102 PPE kits, 42579 nos. of reusable face masks and 580 ltrs of hand sanitizer during the peak of last year’s COVID Pandemic.
  • One historic MOU was signed between Divisional Hospital and IIT/Kharagpur in March’2021 regarding exchange of medical facilities and improvement of medical infrastructure.
  • After AMPHAN cyclone, Division restored all mainlines within 24 hrs.
  • Despite COVID Pandemic, Non-lease parcel traffic loading of KGP Division has gone up from 91720 Tonnes to 105232 Tonnes, which has resulted in earning of Rs 42.34 Crores.
  • Average speed of freight trains has also increased from 14.43 Kmph to 44.11 Kmph during the year.
  • In the year of COVID Pandemic, KGP Division dealt with 644 no. of Shramik Special trains and 76034 no. of de-boarding passengers alongwith 2405 nos. of boarding passengers.
  • Overall punctuality of all trains for the division was 97.8%.
  • Scrap sales have also gone up from 35.45 crores to 46.16 crores in 2020-21.
  • 1st ever rake of iron ore was loaded from KGP Division from Ranital Siding in the month of Feb’2021, which was an entirely new and unique traffic for the division in view of no iron ore mines in the division. New cement traffic from RAMCO Cements also started during the year.
  • Raising of platform alongwith platform resurfacing work at Gidhni, Galudih, Sardiha, Banstala, Kalaikunda, Khemasuli, Ghatsila, Lakannath Road and Haldipada was done during the year and inaugurated by Hon’ble MPs.




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