March 4, 2025



Kharagpur , Kharagpur division has arranged a virtual press conference on 09.04.2021 with press personnels. Sri Manoranjan Pradhan (Divisional Railway Manager/Kharagpur), Sri V.K. Chaudhary(Additional Divisional Railway Manager/Khargapur ) and Sri Aditya Kumar Chaudhary (Senior Divisional Commercial Manager/Kharagpur) attended during the conference.

During the press conference, DRM/Kharagpur highlighted that all the suburban locals, Passenger trains and Mail Express trains originated over this division will run as usual and no such restriction of train movements is planned or being planned in future rather train movement will be increased as per demand of passengers considering the occupancy of the direction of train movement to avoid heavy rush during this period. DRM /Kharagpur also requested the press to aware the general public about using of COVID protocols i.e wearing of masks, using of sanitizers and avoid unnecessary gathering at station premises while entering the station premises.

Sri Aditya Kumar Chaudhary, Sr.DCM/Kharagpur briefed the media about the major achievements of Khargpur division   during the financial year 2020-21. He also addressed the media that all the 72 pair of Mail Express trains and 81 pair of Passenger trains will run as usual and some more trains may be run as demanded by the passengers in consultation with state authorities. The division has also initiated campaign at stations for maintaining of COVID protocols.

  1. Financial Performance:


  • Passenger earnings to the tune of Rs 10 Crore has been realized in the year 2020-21 inspite of restriction of movement of trains due to COVID pandemic as against Rs 1263.23Crore in the same time of previous year. However, the division surpassed the target fixed for the year 2020-21 by (+)16.8%.
  • Goods earnings collected to the tune of Rs 1678.65Crore in the year 2020-21 as against Rs 1605.01Crore in the same time of previous year, which is (+)4.6% above.
  • Goods loading in the year 2020-21 is 20.87 Million tonne as against 20.69 Million tonne in the previous F.Y, which is (+)0.87% more than previous year. Freight traffic plays a major role in transportation during this year inspite of closing down of industry in the COVID pandemic period.
  • Division has registered the best ever loading figure in a day on 31.03.2021 by loading 2506 wagons in 47 rakes. Freight collection of Rs. 10,75,67,171/-.
  • 105232 tonnes of Non lease parcel traffic loaded in in PCET and Special Coaching trains runs during the crisis period of COVID pandemic during Y 2020-21, which is (+)14.7% more than previous year.
  • Sundry earnings (approx.) to the tune of Rs109.66 Crore has been realized during 2020-21, which is (+) 26.8% more than the target fixed for the year 2020-21.
  1. Passenger Amenity work Completed:
    1. Raising of PF: Gidhni (PF no.1/2), Galudih (PF no.1/2 & 3), Sardiha (PF no.1/2), Banstala (PF no.2), Kalaikunda (PF no.1/2), Lakhannath Road (PF no. 1, 2/3), Haldipada (PF no.1, 2/3 & 4)



  1. Platform resurfacing work: Khemsuli, Sardiha, Banstala, Girimaidan and Soro.
  2. Platform shelter work: Lakhanath road, Soro&Haldipada.
  3. Bus stand type platform shelter: Digha and Tamluk.
  4. FOB Extension work completed: Chakulia
  5. Improvement of circulating area work completed: Midnapur and Kharagpur(South)
  • Steps taken during Covid Pandemic period:
  • The division has produced following items during COVID period: Face mask: 42579, Sanitizers: 580 Liter , PPE Kit: 2102 , Total COVID care coaches: 88, Free meal distributed: 76780
  • Suburban passenger train services resumed in Kharagpur division from 11.11.2020. Till now, 81 pairs of passenger trains (EMU/MEMU) run over this division and 72 pair of Mail Express trains originated/ply through this division.
  • Running of Shramik Special trains started since 01.05.2020 in co-ordination with State Government Authority.
    • Shramik special trains originated: 03 no. of Shramik special trains have originated from Shalimar towards Bikner, Udhampur and Agartala.
    • 126 no. of Terminating and 231 no. of through shramik special trains have been dealt by this division during this critical period of COVID pandemic.
  • Currency Sanitizer machines: 238 nos of currency sanitizer machines have been installed over this division during COVID period for smooth transaction of cash at UTS, PRS and Parcel locations over this division.
  • Two way communication system: 138 nos of two way communication system installed at UTS and PRS counters over this division.
  • The Platform ticket fare has been increased at major locations of this division to restrict the passengers to congregate at the station premises. But, on 14th January’21, the hike of the Platform ticket rate has been rolled back due to the demand received from various corners.
  • Business Development Unit (BDU) has been set up at divisional level to attract freight customers to load their traffic through Railway for augmenting their revenue as well as for smooth transportation of commodities.



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