5 lakh seized on nimpura naka checking


In course of naka checking by SST team of KGP sadar 224 AC ( Mrityunjoy Paria, SST Magistrate)with police officer, force and members of CAPF( D/134 coy CRPF), at Nimpura under kgp Town ps on Nimpura Road (i) a sum of cash of rupees 5 lac was found in possession of sambhu Ruidas s/o Narayan Chandra Ruidas of kalikunda, Dharma, PS KGP(L), Nadia, vehicle no. WB 34AY 3439.
On asking he failed to give any satisfactory account in respect of possession of the said cash. Hence the said cash was seized by si Tapan Singha Mahapatra of Nimpura TOP duly signed by the said possessioner as well as the accompanying member of CAPF.

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