kharagpur, MLA pradip sarkar wrote a letter to cm Mamta Banerjee for minority status of Telugu community. Mla.pradip said that he has spoken with Chief minister Smt. Mamata Banerjee regarding the matter.
PNK Parishat members honoured Sri. Pradip Sarkar for raising voice for telugu community of west bengal & releasing 5 lakhs for the development of the organisation. Parishad officials said It was a proud moment for telugu community of Kharagpur as it is a first instance that a MLA has recognised and helped generously with such a huge amount.
during the felicitation of MLA K Surendra Reddy, K V Subramanyeswara Rao, K Kondal Rao, Y Jagadishwar Rao, A Govinda Rao, Surya Rao, B Srinivas Rao. were present.

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