kharagpur, sadatpur beat house police under kgp l ps arrested a criminal bishal kishore from panchrulia more & seized a arms with 4 round cartridge. sdpo kgp sukamal kanti das said apolice team comprising Officers of sadatpur OP, Narayangarh PS and town ps having acted on information of source from Panchrulia side under kharagpur local PS, managed to secure arrest of one criminal namely Mama@ Kishor Bisal of chunabhatti PS KHARAGPUR TOWN who was planning to commit dacoity in the house of
businessman at panchrulia, in association with 3/4 others. Before they hit we managed to unfold their plan. From his possession police recovered one improvised fire arm with four live cartidges. On being interrogated he disclosed the names of associates, two of them belong to Kharagpur town and another is an outsider. Mama is a veteran criminal and was arrested earlier and had been in jail for long but after being released on bail he again resumed his henious act. Later police arrestred 1 more goon in this connection.

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