privatisation other issues of employees would be discussed: rakesh, 2 days Zonal working committee of sermc will inaugurate on Wednesday at rabindtra institute

Kharagpur, SERMC, workshop branches will host the zonal working committee meeting of SERMC at Ravindra Institute, Gole Bazar, Kharagpur on 14.10.2020. This is the first time that SERMC, Workshop is hosting the working Committee meeting said rakesh RAKESH KUMAR SINGH, w/s Coorinator addressing the press at PREM office of SERMC, kharagpur W/S. he said Major Issues like Privatisation of Railways, selling of trains to Pvt. Companies and surrendering of posts in Railways will also be discussed during the meeting. Local issues of with-holding promotions of DMS, Clerks exams since one year at stores department, Kharagpur and issues of diesel shop, Kharagpur where conversion of diesel to electrical POH, payment of single OT hours, reinstatement of OT or incentive at ERS-POH and other issues will also be discussed for the employees.
He further claimed Presently only one union i.e. SERMC is recognized in S.E.Rly. We are available round the clock for any medical emergencies for all Railway families” P RAMA RAO, B ESWAR RAO, K SURENDRA KUMAR & SUJOY KUMAR BOSE were present on the occasion.