Protest rally org by leftist union against privatization of rly & others central govt organizations, rally marched from inda to golebajar

kharagpur, SERMU & along with other trade unions hundreds of people & employees gathered infront of Kgp Local Thana,from there they peacefully marched to golebajar to highlight anti public policies of Centra Govt. Name of the program was RAIL BACHAO,DESH BACHAOA protest & awareness rally highlighting to privatize RAILWAY, Banks & other Govt. organizations.
Sermu leaders ajit ghosal said govt orgs built with blood & sweat & sacrifices of our forefathers. This privatizations going to benifit only few & very few friends of BJP.Biswajit laha said Privatization of profit & socialization of losses…..

this is the policy of Central Govt. run by BJP at centre. So SERMU is against this policies of loot. SERMU organizing many agitations, demonstrations, dharnas, awareness signature campaigns since many decades to protect general public and working class.
Krishna rao said SERMU l coming days SERMU vows to intensify its awareness & protest program in future. Avijit mallick, anil das, partho haldar & others joined rally.