Meeting on Bakrid held in KGP town thana, allowed namaj in homes, gathering in mosques & open kurbani prohibited

raghunath prasad sahu
Kharagpur, An administrative meeting with muslim community held at Kharagpur town police station on Monday evening to celebrate Bakrid in Kharagpur peacefully, in which consensus made to celebrate Bakrid in a peaceful manner, following the guidelines of covid-19.It is decided people will pray at home and there will be no gathering in mosques, open kurbani is also prohibited. Covid-19 guidelines on mask, sanitizer & social distancing will be maintained at the time of kurbani’s delivery distribute from house to house. at Bakrid will be celebrated on 1 August, the sacred festival of Muslims, only fewer people will be offered prayers in the mosques who is associated with the mosque. People of Bhawanipur, Panchbadia, Qazi Mohalla, Debalpur and other places preparing to celebrated Bakrid. The local administration is cautious on maintining covid-19 giuidelines during festival. SDO kharagpur, Vaibhav Chaudhary, ASP Kazi Shamsuddin Ahmed, SDPO Sukmal Kanti Das, IC Raja Mukherjee, MLA Pradip Sarkar, Sheikh Hanif, Johar Pal, Javed Ahmed Khan, S.A Khan MD Anis, Md Akbar, Mosque Committee representative and Others were present In the meeting which concluded in cordial atmosphere.