DSO gheraoed DM, SDO office demanding waived off school7, colleges fee


Kharagpur, Students organization DSO gheraoed DM, SDO, BDO & other officees demanding waived off school, colleges fee in west midnapur, DSO demanded to release all fees of students, to give them free bus pass and also demands to the Government to give their rental money and the electric bill of the mess.  Bratin Das, the Distric Secretary  of AIDSO Paschim Medinipore District Committee leads the protest rally in Belda he said, After declaring the result of Madhyamik Examination the class of XI will be started. We demand to release all fees of the students and to give them the free bus pass.”
In Medinipur the protest rally started from Collectory to DI Office. The rally was lead by District President  Biswaranjan Giri.  He says, “A lot of students continued their study, staying from mess. During this lockdown thay cannot stay at mess but thay are forcd to give the rental money and electric bill.  In this situation we demand to the Government to announce an economic package. Tapas jana said in some places we placed deputation to officials in this regard.

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