March 10, 2025

5 people died 1 injured in 3 incidents of thundering


Kharagpur,  5 people died and 1 inj in 3  incidents of thundering on monday in jhar
gram district. Fudhul Mahapatra of Mahuli vill, PS Gopiballavpur  received injury due to thundering while working at his agricultural land. He  was shifted to Gopiballavpur Multi Super Specialty Hospital for treatment but doctor declared him as brought dead. In other incidence due to lightning at Dhanghori, three persons cultivating land, became injured .All were shifted to bhangagarh RH .Out of them  Jatan Kalindi (55)yrs) & Sundari Kalindi  of Vill-Dudhianal PS-Sankrail were declared  dead and another one is under treatment.

Lastly, Purna Chandra Murmu of baggori & Sk Muktar of parihati, jamboni ps  also expired due to thundering. Sp Jhargram bharat kr singh rathore said all the 5 dead bodies were recovered and sent to post mortem.

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