ration distributed to 205 safai karmi, yagna performed by balaji mandir committee


205 Municipal conservancy staff were given rice, dal, biscuits, turmeric, muri by TMC’s sangrami sainik samity of ward no 14. prog attended by mla pradeep sarkar, town ic raja mukherjee, sanjay, chandi ghosh, kvs rao, papiya sarkar, saibal chaterjee, mousami banerjee and others. Total 700 safai karmi will be benefitted in different phases.

yagna performed by balaji mandir committee
Narayana Hawan was performed in o/s balajee mandir to get rid of corona virus and for the healthy welfare of our society. The Homan was performed by purohit Sri nimmagadda srinivasarao at the behest of mandir committee

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