police feliciated health workers in junglemahal


kharagpur, Felicitating Health Personnel with flowers and sweets for their tremendous efforts in order to fight CORONA.Bharat kr singh rathod, sp jhargram said to encourage  korona warriors every block and PS level in hjhargram district. we organised felicitation prog.

relief work done in tribal vill 
some social worker of purba pathri distributed ration to 200 needy poor (sc,st,general)of this village.
Sunil Tudu, Debabrata Biswas, Bagrai Hembrom,sundar karmakar.
 Subash ch.Mandi Mahesh Mandi.
 kandra Sorens, Mithu choudhury, Rajesh lingam, Arun Hansda & some others.

ration distributed by Gouri Parmeswaramandir commiittee

raw  ration distribution to poor and needy families of Brahmin community was organized by Gouri Parameswara mandir committee, Dhan Singh Maidan, Kharagpur. The organization distributed a total of ten items comprising Rice, Dal, Wheat, Sugar, Suji, Potato, Oil, and Salt along with Dakshina to 19 members. The entire program was organised following social distancing norms.

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