Kharagpur, 18th April, South Eastern Railway, during the nation-wide lockdown in the wake of Novel Coronavirus pandemic, has been providing uninterrupted supply of essential commodities including food items, medicines, medical equipments etc. to every nook and corner of the country. This has been made possible by running of 112 trips of Parcel Express Trains in different routes after nation-wide lockdown. This unprecedented challenging task has been possible because of active participation of 4946 Loco Pilots and 2359 Guards from all the four Divisions of South Eastern Railway. one thousand guard & loco pilots r working in kgp division said aditya kumar chowdhry sr dcm , kgp divn.They are really the great warriors of S.E.Railway who are rendering exemplary services to the nation.
When most of the people are staying at home during lockdown, these frontline staff have come forward to perform their duties to the society in this crucial time. The working of loco pilots and guards is not only tough but also requires immense presence of mind along with courage to control the moving train even in adverse situation. The nature of work of the drivers and guards are unlike others. They have to halt at different locations even in odd hours when they are on duty. They are playing a pivotal role in running the train safely maintaining security and punctuality. Apart from their normal working, the drivers and guards have to take onus to stop the train at intermediate stoppages for loading and unloading of materials by maintaining the exact timings of arrival and departure. A large section of supportive staff who are working round the clock in the Control Room, RRI Cabin, Stations are also playing predominant role to assist the drivers and guards to perform their duties efficiently.

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