Kharagpur, 18th April, 2020: South Eastern Railway is running Parcel Express Trains in different routes to ensure uninterrupted supply of essential commodities viz. food items, medicines etc. during the lockdown after the outbreak of COVID-19. These Time Tabled Parcel Express Trains are running between Shalimar-Ranchi, Howrah-Yesvantpur, Shalimar-Mumbai, Tatanagar-Itwari, Howrah-Secunderabad and Shalimar-Porbander. It has been decided to continue the running of these Time Tabled Parcel Express Trains till 3rd May, 2020.
Parcel office staffs doing exemplary service as customer interface in booking and giving delivery said aditya kr chowdhry sr dcm, kgp divn, he further added only in kgp divn 50 parcel staffs are working.
For further details to avail booking on Parcel Express Trains, interested customers may call the following 24X7 Helpline Numbers:
Garden Reach : 9002080984
Kharagpur : 9002081920
Chakradharpur: 9771482252
Ranchi : 9771448989

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