KHARAGPUR VIKASH MANCH org a blood donation camp, satyadeo claimed to org a medical camp also in near future
kharagpur, KHARAGPUR VIKASH MANCH org a blood donation camp where KGP SDH collected Total - 22 Units blood (New-2, Fem-4)....
kharagpur, KHARAGPUR VIKASH MANCH org a blood donation camp where KGP SDH collected Total - 22 Units blood (New-2, Fem-4)....
kharagpur, Malancha Super Market Babosayee Samity organised 2nd voluntary blood donation camp on sunday in malancha super market campus. Tanmoy...
खड़गपुर। डेबरा के सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं ने भिक्षाटन करने वाले बच्चों को भोजन कराया। ज्ञात हो कि कोरोना वायरस के परिणामस्वरूप...
kharagpur, kharagpur town police distributed blanket & cloth at Idgaha chawk, ward No 3 on thursday evening on the eve...
खड़गपुर। पश्चिम मेदिनीपुर जिले के घाटाल शहर के जीएसपी अस्पताल में जन्म लेने वाले नवजात बच्चे में एक विकसित दांत...
iKharagpu, MILAN SANGHA CLUB, Jhapetapur, Kharagpur organised a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp at Jhapetapur Basanti Mandir in memory of late...
खड़गपुर। खड़गपुर शहर थाना पुलिस की ओर से पुराना बाजार के कुल 30 महिला सेक्स वर्करों को साड़ी, पांच किलो...
kharagpur, 7th year voluntary blood donation camp organized by Kharagpur The New Ray Of light,Gandhi nagar,old settlement, Kharagpur. Total blood...
kharagpur, Blood donation camp was organized by PANCHBERIA Friends Club in Kharagpur town of West Midnapore district on Sunday. 31...
kharagpur, VBD Camp at Kharida CPI (M) Office Org by- CPI (M) Kharagpur Town Paschim area committee on Lt. jatin...